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Harness,lanyard and component inspections should be a regular practice for workers and should always be completed before each use. This course is designed specifically for individuals in the workplace who are tasked with the very important job of doing regular inspections of the fall protection equipment (harnesses, lanyards and components) over and above the required pre donning inspections.

This training focuses on the proper inspection of fall protection equipment – what to look for, pass or fail criteria and documentation.

All fall protection equipment in Ontario must be inspected at least once a year by a qualified inspector, hence training is very important for these people. Inspecting safety equipment properly requires a thorough understanding of what to look for and what measures to take if the equipment appears faulty or damaged.

• Proper inspection of harnesses

• Webbing

• Snap Hooks

• D-Rings

• Buckles

• Grommets

• Carabiners

• Lanyards

• Lifelines

• SRLs and SRDs

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4 hours
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One year (in-house)
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