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This course is for those individuals in the workplace who are tasked with the responsibility of fit testing workers whether that the workplace is industrial, a construction setting or in health care. If workers wear their respirators improperly, it may cost them their life. An improper fit can expose a worker to deadly materials, chemicals and viruses. The improper fit gives a false sense of protection, when in actuality the worker is NOT protected at all.

Therefore, it is very important that individuals doing fit testing for the workplace are properly trained.

This course provides those tools whether the required fit testing is Qualitative or Quantitative.

• Trainthe Trainer materials provided to the participant – includes hardcopies of allmaterials and a USB with all materials in electronic format.

•Review of the Fit Testing Materials – those provided to the TTT participant(s)(ppts, video, templates, exercises, etc.)

• Indepth review of the Fit Testing Equipment – Qualitative or Quantitative basedon the workplace needs and requirements

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4 hours
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In-presence option
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Refresh after:
One year (in-house)
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