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Sound is what we hear. Noise is unwanted sound. The difference between sound and noise depends upon the listener and the circumstances. It can be hazardous to a person's hearing if the sound is loud and if the person is exposed long and often enough. In Ontario O. Reg. 381/15 - Noise, made under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, applies to all workplaces in Ontario. The intent of the regulation is to ensure that workplace exposures to noise above a certain sound level are eliminated or properly controlled to protect workers from noise-induced hearing loss. A Hearing Conservation Program needs to be in place. This training programs discusses all aspects of hearing conservation in the workplace.

• Whatis Sound and Noise?

• Legislation

• Noise + Acoustics

• How We Hear

• Hearing Protection Selection

• Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)

• Reducing Costs + Claims for Hearing Loss

• Hearing Protectors + Fitting Tips

• Training + Motivation

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One year (in-house)
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