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All jobs come with their own occupational hazards, but a warehouse in particular can be incredibly risky especially when the dangers are less obvious. A warehouse is a commercial building used by manufacturers, importers/exporters, retailers/wholesalers, transport companies and other businesses for storage of goods, raw materials and other commodities.

Activities at a warehouse generally include loading and unloading various materials and goods from trucks onto pallets (racks) by hand or using forklifts. From heavy loads to harmful substances – hazards exist for workers in the warehouse. Material handling presents potential risk of injury. This training looks at all of those hazards and assists you in learning to recognize and control hazards in your warehousing & distribution workplace.

• Related OHSA Legislation

• Duties of Workplace Parties (employer, supervisor, worker)

• Storage and Racking

• Loading and Unloading

• Shipping and Receiving

• Hazards found in the warehouse (e.g. contact with machinery, racking, lift trucks, conveyors, manual material handling,housekeeping, etc.)

• Solutions to warehouse hazards – Safe Work Guidelines

• Checklists

• R.A.C.E.: Dealing with Hazards in the Workplace

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4 hours
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One year (in-house)
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